Love God and Live a Faithful Life
Pursue the best marriage, family, and Christian life God intended for you in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.

Freedom and Strength
to Walk in Victory

Faithfulness and Fulfillment
in Your Marriage

Fellowship & Fruit
in Your Relationships

Fellowship Free of Shame with the God Who Loves You

Discover the remarkable work God has chosen you for and be fully engaged in loving communion with Him
Too many Christians are so distracted by how the world is changing, and being changed by the world, that they miss God’s call on their lives to be faithful to him in all things and the blessings of obedience that follow. Embrace the biblical way. Build your life on the only sure foundation. Learn to listen to and believe the Truth and reject the enemies lies. Experience the close, loving faithful marriage, family, and relationships that God intends for every son of his.
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Matt & Lisa Jacobson understand the difficulty of pursuing a close, loving marriage and raising a family in today’s world
Matt Jacobson is the founder of, an online social media community focusing on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching. For the past eighteen years Matt has been, and remains, a teaching elder and pastor of Cline Falls Bible Fellowship. He lives with his wife, Lisa, in the Pacific Northwest where they have raised their eight children.
Lisa Jacobson is the founder of, an online community of women.

Get Biblical Marriage Coaching
Too many Christian couples miss what God intends for them. Discover if biblical marriage coaching is for you.

Read Our Books
Books that inspire, encourage, and provide practical instruction you can begin to apply from day one!

Find Freedom from Pornography
There is real victory, real triumph over sexual sin to be had by those who learn and embrace God’s way.
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FAITHFUL LIFE podcast is designed for those looking for practical, applicable biblical wisdom for a fulfilling marriage and family life. You’ll find here biblical instruction and lots of encouragement for your marriage journey. FAITHFUL LIVE is available on virtually every major podcast platform.